ANKLE MR                                                                 MRI and MRA Protocols                          

1- Sagittal T1 Spin echo (SE)

Useful for bone marrow assessment and evaluate general ankle anatomy.

2- Sagittal "Fat Sat" PD spin echo (SE)

Best sequence to assess the Achilles tendon. The other ankle tendons, including the plantar fascia, are also well visualized. 
 Normal  Posterior tibialis tendon attachment site is clearly assessed using this sequence (Accessory Navicular Bone Syndrome)

3- Coronal T1 spin echo (SE)

General anatomic assessment of the ankle. The tibiotalar articulation, as well as the tibiotalar ligaments are assessed. Assessment of the bone marrow on T1 is important also. 

4- Coronal "Fat Sat" PD spin echo (SE)

Ankle tendons including the tibiotalar ligaments are well assessed using this sequence.  

5- Axial T1 spin echo (SE)

Ankle tendons, muscles, general ankle anatomy all re-evaluated with this sequence. Assessment of the bone marrow on T1 is important as mentioned above. 

6- Axial "Fat Sat" PD spin echo (SE)

Ankle tendons are best evaluated with this sequence. Similarly, the talofibular and tibiotalar ligaments also well visualized. 

7- Axial STIR

This sequence is the best to screen the bones to make sure there is not a subtle bone edema or fluid collections that is not visible on other sequences. 
 Normal. Edema involving the navicular and accessory navicular bones better visualized on STIR compared to fat sat PD sequence (Accessory Navicular Bone Syndrome).